勇气 -在一个长期历史过程中的传统公司,哈斯科一直成功地面临新的挑战。 In this way, HASCO developed from a trade workshop to an internationally active industrial company within its 80-year history.这样,哈斯科发达国家从贸易国际研讨会,积极工业公司在其80年历史。 Even today, at a time of globally orientated markets, this company virtue is a mark of our trade.即使在今天,在面向全球市场的时间,这家公司是我们商标的美德。 Courageous, confident and highly motivated, we cope with the tasks that lie before us, together with our partners.勇敢,自信和充满活力,我们面对的任务摆在我们面前,我们与我们的合作伙伴。