


  • 公司: 保定科天模具制造有限公司
  • 地址: 河北省保定市清苑区闫庄乡南闫庄村
  • 联系: 梁文华
  • 手机: 13932290470
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2022-02-07 04:54:01  342次浏览 次浏览
价 格:600




7740d1630fd3ada6de5226f739742672.jpgThere are holes of the same size on both sides of the steel mold of the cement isolation pier. This design is to better connect the isolation piers together, because the isolation piers used in different environments are not placed separately

, multiple isolation piers need to be combined. You can use ropes or steel bars to connect them before, and then place them.

Each different mold of cement isolation pier steel mold has its own service life. If the mold is used incorrectly for a long time, it will lead to the maintenance of the mold for many times, which will also make the cement isolation pier steel mold

The service life decreases, so we should pay attention to the protection of the mold every time we process and manufacture.

The steel mold of cement isolation pier is before grouting, and the brushing of release agent cannot be omitted. If there is no release agent, oil or edible oil can be used to replace it, which can avoid mud and steel mold

As we all know, the isolation pier steel mold should be produced in a dry environment during operation. Similarly, the release agent also plays an isolation role during production, because mud is needed

If a large amount of clean water is used for mixing, long-term contact with the steel mold will lead to the risk of rust.

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