


  • 公司: 青岛承家建材有限公司
  • 地址: 青岛市中韩
  • 联系: 沙承家
  • 手机:
  • 电话: 0532-88006626
  • 一键开店



目前国际上及中国国内很多大、中城市的室内装修,在许多年前已经不采用腻子粉,都改用高品质且省人工、省物料的腻子膏。比如中国北京、天津、上海、济南等地以及中国其他南方诸多城市等。据用过该产品的用户反映,质量好的腻子膏,不仅节约乳胶漆,而且大大缩短装修工期,完全可以降低装修成本!(每袋可刮墙面30-35平米) 。




承家牌内墙腻子膏 品质的保证! (中国青岛市内可免费送货上门)




The Chinese Qingdao receives the family sign inner wall putty paste product and the enterprise introduces

Receives the family building materials company lasted two years development by the Chinese Qingdao the most new generation green environmental protection construction inner wall putty paste already in July, 2008 official delivery market, this product uses the natural raw material completely, not including any deleterious substance and the radioactive element, does not escape the powder, easy to polish, regardless of being and the wall or has the very strong affinity with the latex paint, superficial smooth may save about latex paint 30%, is decorates the project the ideal choice!

At present internationally and China domestic is big, the middle urban house decoration, already did not use the putty powder many years ago, changes to the high quality and the province man-power, the province material putty paste. For instance places as well as Chinese other such as south Beijing, China, Tianjin, Shanghai, Jinan many cities and so on. According to uses this product user to reflect, quality good putty paste, not only saves the latex paint, moreover reduces the repair time greatly, definitely may reduce the repair cost! (each bag may blow wall surface 30-35 square meters).

Qingdao, China Cheng Cheng family home building company's brand building interior wall putty paste since listing, has been the construction of Qingdao, China Customs Building, Qingdao Liu ting Airport expansion project, Bo hai Bay and the Castle Hotel, many real estate companies, renovation and decoration used by the company, Qingdao Mabel decoration company, Qingdao-based Hung, Ting,, Qingdao, renovation and decoration of a Wood Group company specify the use of such products. Because of quality, performance and stability, to greatly save the cost of renovation, environmental protection and reliable, so the sales of hot.

This company is the production, the sales coordinated process service enterprise, the factory supplies goods directly, not only omits many middle links, but can also guarantee that the lowest producer price, the cordially welcome new, the old customer sends a telegram selects and purchases.

Receives the family sign inner wall putty paste quality the guarantee! (in the Chinese Qingdao may free deliver goods to the doorstep)

Tel: 086-0532-88006626


Fax: 086-0532-83663588




  • 主营: 腻子膏,801胶,乳胶漆
  • 地址: 青岛市中韩
  • 联系: 沙承家
  • 手机:
  • 电话: 0532-88006626
  • 传真: 0532-88706588
  • 邮箱: 82921511@163.com
  • 本站共被浏览过 9317 次

